Benefits to INIT Users

Accessibility to yield strategies and hooks

Access All Yield Strategies Within One Interface

INIT users can access and manage various yield strategies or Hooks, all within the INIT interface, ensuring streamlined visibility and enhanced control. Users can find various yield strategies to interact with through INIT Capital without having to look elsewhere. Whether it's lending, borrowing, looping, perp trading, leveraged LP/Farming, etc. INIT has it all.

Within each Hooks, users can select their favorite Liquidity Hook or dApps to use to their desire. For example, there may be a few protocols building the Leveraged LP/Farm on INIT, and the users may choose which one they want to interact with all through INIT's interface.

Auto E-Mode (Auto Efficiency Mode)

INIT ensures users have maximum borrowing power to enjoy strategies with the highest capital efficiency.

With Auto E-Mode, assets with correlated prices are automatically grouped to enhance capital efficiency and maximize your borrowing power.

When collateral and borrowed assets are in the same mode, users benefit from increased collateralization power, leading to higher capital efficiency.

Here are a few example of modes on INIT:

  • ETH & wstETH mode (ETH and wstETH)

  • LST mode (ETH, wstETH, rETH, ETHx, mETH)

  • Stable RWA mode (USDY, sDAI, stUSDT, TBILL, USDT)

  • Stablecoin mode (USDT, USDC, DAI)

  • Major mode (BTC, ETH)

Manage All Your Positions Through INIT's All In One Dashboard

Simply select the asset(s) you want to interact with, choose a Liquidity Hook to to generate yield with the chosen asset(s), you will have successfully opened a position. All of your positions will be accessible through INIT's all-in-one dashboard where you are able to monitor and manage all of your positions in a single page.

Within the dashboard, users can click manage their positions, where they can take four actions:

  1. Borrow more

  2. Repay a portion of their debt to deleverage or repay in full

  3. Deposit more collateral

  4. Withdraw a portion or all of their collateral

Last updated